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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Pharma Micro Dies Punchies

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Since 1987 Cip has laid the foundation of its reputation as a manufacturer of exceptional, healthy, reliable machinery and tooling with a global base. Also there has been major investment in technical and validation support services to enable us provide unrivalled service to our customers.

Our enthusiastic team of expert engineers and customer service group offer a prompt reply and quick delivery.

Our wealth of experience in Tableting means that we can always offer effective solutions to meet customer requirements and solve your production problems.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Automatic Coating Machinery, Ball Mills, Capsule Tablet Counting Filling Machine, Coal Tableting Machinery, Coating Pan, Colloid Mills, Comminuting Mill, Communiting Mill, Crystallisers, Double Sided Rotary Machine, Double Stroke Rotary Tablet Machinery, Double Stroke Rotary Tableting Machinery, Double Stroke Tablet Machinery, Double Stroke Tableting Machinery, Drum Blender, Drum Mixers, Fluid Bed Coaters, Fluid Bed Granulators, Fuel Tableting Machinery, Heavy Duty Magnum Tablet Press, Heavy Duty Slugging Tableting Machine, Homo Colloid Mil, Magnum Tablet Press, Mechanical Sifter, Mechanical Sifters, Mixing Tank, Multi Mill, Multi Punch Tabletting Machinery, Multi Purpose R And D Equipments, Oscillating Granulator, Paste Kettle, Pharma Machinery, Pharma Mass Mixer, Pharma Micro Dies Punchies, Pharmaceutical Deduster Deburring Machine, Pharmaceutical Dust Extractor, Pharmaceutical Machinery, Planetary Mixer, Planetary Mixers, R And D Colloid Mill, R And D Comminuting Mill, R And D Granulator, R And D Sifter, R And D Tablet Lab Press Machine, Rotary Tablet Machinery, Rotary Tableting Machinery, Sifter Machine, Sifters, Single Sided Rotary Tableting Machine, Single Stroke Rotary Tablet Machinery, Single Stroke Rotary Tableting Machinery, Single Stroke Tablet Machinery, Single Stroke Tableting Machinery, Sterile Drum Blender, Sterile Vertical Granulator, Sterilise In Place Reactors, Tablet Capsule Coating Machine, Tablet Hardness Testers, Tablet Moulds And Punches, Tablet Press, Tablet Press Control System, Tablet Press Machinery, Tableting Machinery, Triple Roll Mills, Turbo Sifter, Ultra Labeling Machine, V Blenders, Vaccum Double Cone Blender, Vertical Drum Blender, Vertical Granulator, Vibro Sifter, Vibro Sifters, Y Type Blenders